planet snewpy
surface transmissions (latest):

Obsidian Notes App
2025-03-25 16:48:40 -I recently started using the Obsidian app for taking notes - the killer feature being the graphical view that shows how all of your notes are connected. I haven't even started exploring all of the plugins and other customization options, but I've read that it can be quite the rabbit-hole.
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Synology RT6600ax Router
2024-02-02 16:48:40 -Looking back on my posts from the last few years, you might get the impression that I am hard on routers, since I seem to go through them pretty quickly. But the truth is, I'm just picky, and there are certain things a router must do, of which most of them are incapable. Also, I don't really have the time to immerse myself in the whole WRT scene and spend my days endlessly upgrading and tweaking custom router software. I want something that meets all of my demands and does it right out-of-the-box. In short, I want perfection. I don't think that is too much to ask, either. Given that the internet has been around 50+ years at this point and consumer routers have been commonplace for at least 20 of those.
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Sleep Science Memory Foam Mattress
2023-09-16 09:58:43 -We were kind of worried about the durability of our first memory foam mattress, because it was still a relatively new technology and there weren't a lot of reviews available online yet. But I can say now that we certainly got our money's worth out of that one, since we only paid $500 for it and used it for about 14 years. When it was new, it was easily the best night's sleep I had ever had, and it's only been in the last six months or so that I've noticed consistent issues with sleep quality or waking up stiff. So if you're considering taking the plunge and going the memory foam route, I can vouch for the quality and durability of the technology. And there's about a million online mattress companies now, so there are myriad choices and plenty of reviews to satisfy your curiosity.
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Husqvarna Automower 415X
2022-08-27 14:15:41 -Our old Troy-Bilt riding mower shot craps in May with a flat tire and something else wrong with the transmission, so it was time to do some shopping for an alternative. We seriously considered a couple of Babydoll sheep as a replacement, but in the end, I was looking for less work, not more. For about the same price as a brand new riding mower, the top robotic mowers mean less impact to the environment and lower long-term operating costs (I can replace a lot of batteries for what I'm currently paying for gasoline). So it made sense to make the move, and the Husqvarna name weighed heavily on the decision-making process, especially after I watched this documentary about the history of the Automower.
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Alienware Aurora R13
2022-03-11 16:28:40 -With Windows 11, Microsoft has forced the obsolescence of probably millions of computers around the world. Mine was one of them. But, I bought my last computer in Dec 2011, so it had a good run. But since I've gotten back into gaming with the kids, it was time for an upgrade. This one should last me at least another decade, assuming Microsoft doesn't intervene.
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Borosilicate Plate
2021-02-07 15:20:09 -It's been over four years since I got my 3D printer, and while I've had some success producing the parts that I've needed, it hasn't always been a consistent process. I count myself lucky that I haven't had the myriad problems with getting prints to stick to the print bed that I hear about from so many others. I have had good luck with the blue QIDI stickers - perhaps too good, because if I've had adherence problems, it's at the other end of the spectrum. That is, removing a finished print is always an adventure, especially if it's one with a large surface area. Several times, I've had to remove the print bed from the printer and use the tools in my shop (i.e. hammers and chisels) to remove a part. This is neither a pleasant nor fulfilling experience.
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Silver Anniversary
2021-02-10 16:11:15 -This month we are celebrating 25 years of our presence on the internet. When I started this web site in 1996 the internet wasn't very big, with only about 100,000 different domains. My site is older than Google, YouTube and Facebook, to name a few. I've been a blogger since before that was a thing. And while the frequency of my posts hasn't remained consistent over the years (getting married and having kids will do that to ya), I'm still here.
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Rolling Pin Ring
2021-01-24 16:54:06 -My wife got a Joseph Joseph Adjustable Rolling Pin that comes with several plastic rings to allow you to adjust the thickness of dough you are rolling. It's a clever design, but curiously the roller is sold with one ring obviously missing, so I was asked to complete the set. The blue ring in the photo is just the right size and is now available on Thingiverse. Happy 3D printing!
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Sweet Dreams
2021-01-23 14:40:42 -Let me start by saying that bed warmers always seemed like a unnecessary luxury to me. That was until we got one 10 years ago and started using it in the winter to pre-heat our bed before we retired for the evening. Once you become accustomed to sliding into warm flannel sheets, it's hard to do without. I'll also say that we were in the habit of turning it off before we laid down to sleep, but recently I've discovered if I leave it on the lowest level, I sleep a lot more soundly. It has been a big benefit, but this post isn't about improving your sleep. This is about eliminating the chore of turning on your bed warmer every night through the magic of home automation.
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Synology DiskStation DS920+
2020-12-21 16:10:00 -After six years of storing files on my DS412+, it wasn't even half full, and Synology hasn't yet pulled the trick I now expect from all hardware manufacturers - forced obsolescence through software updates. The old Intel processor is from 2012, but it still runs the latest DSM. We'll see how long that lasts.
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