Fifteen Albums That Don't Suck

At the urging of a friend on Facebook, I am accepting the challenge to name fifteen albums that don't suck. This isn't as easy as it sounds, either. I was around and buying music when CDs first hit the market -- you know, back when they were called "record stores?" Investing in an album on CD was just that, an investment -- CDs cost $20 back then. So an album had to be good before I spent any money on it. I eventually reached the point where I wasn't as picky, and would buy an album for a song or two that I liked, but only if the CD single wasn't available.

So my list includes some of that older stuff, but a few newer albums. But the point is, the whole album has to be good -- i.e. something I would sit down and listen to from beginning to end -- not just two or three good tracks and a bunch of filler. So here goes, in no particular order:

  1. Prince - Purple Rain
  2. Green Day - American Idiot
  3. Yes - 90125
  4. Asia - Asia
  5. Squirrel Nut Zippers - Hot
  6. Sting - The Dream of the Blue Turtles
  7. Guns n Roses - Appetite For Destruction
  8. They Might Be Giants - Flood
  9. Depeche Mode - Violator
  10. Billy Joel - An Innocent Man (the first CD I ever bought)
  11. UB40 - Live in Moscow
  12. Yaz - Upstairs At Eric's
  13. The Offspring - Ixnay on the Hombre
  14. The Time - What Time Is It?
  15. Digital Underground - Sex Packets

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