This month we are celebrating 25 years of our presence on the internet. When I started this web site in 1996 the internet wasn't very big, with only about 100,000 different domains. My site is older than Google, YouTube and Facebook, to name a few. I've been a blogger since before that was a thing. And while the frequency of my posts hasn't remained consistent over the years (getting married and having kids will do that to ya), I'm still here.

[Update: Oct 2024]When I first started this site, everything was raw HTML and Javascript. I learned a lot about web development in those days. Around 2003, I started using Movable Type as a content management system. It was pretty good, but after a few years I began to realize that Wordpress was a superior product and a couple of years later I converted. In the intervening years, there have been a lot of advances in web development that I was no longer required to stay informed on. Although I am a software engineer by trade, my web development skills got rusty (when did CGI become outdated?), and so I made the decision in 2024 to stop using Wordpress (at least for this site) and go back to my roots of "rolling my own." But, of course, that meant having to learn PHP (because Perl's not really a thing anymore). So that's what I did.

Have a look around and tell me what you think by leaving a comment. I'm proud of the content here and I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable. I'll see you in another 25 years...